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How to Prevent Motion Sickness on Field Trips

By October 27, 2015February 23rd, 2021No Comments

Child boarding school busEvery school has them. Field trips help expand your child’s perspective on the world, providing them with a hands-on approach to learning. It’s an invaluable experience for children of all ages. But for some parents, dropping your child off at school on a field trip day can be a cause for concern. Children that suffer from motion sickness might not feel like themselves after a bumpy bus ride. Nausea and upset stomach will bring your child’s special day to a grinding halt. Use our tips for preventing motion sickness on field trips and give your child a day that they’ll never forget.

Face Forward

Motion sickness happens when your body experiences motion in a way that your eyes can’t comprehend. When en route, the body feels the motion of the vehicle while the eyes might be slow to catch on. What’s worse is that bus rides are notorious breeding grounds for roughhousing and distractions of all kinds. Sitting backward or staring down at the latest handheld video game will only make things worse. Remind your child to face forward and keep their eyes on the road in front of them when they’re on the bus or in the car. Help them resist the urge to distract themselves by asking them to leave their Gameboy at home. You can also ask the teacher to let your child sit upfront.

Less Sugar Please

Juice boxes, sack lunches, and special treats can be full of extra sugar. All of that glucose isn’t doing your child’s stomach any favors. They might feel nauseous, lethargic, or anxious as they wash their candy apples down with soda. Those unpleasant feelings will only make motion sickness worse. Teachers usually do a good job of cutting down students’ sugar intake throughout the day. But in some cases, students will indulge anyway. You can cut down your child’s sweet tooth by packing them a balanced, sugar-free lunch. If anyone offers your child any special treats, remind them to be polite and only take one.

Keep Them Hydrated

Water is your child’s best friend. It keeps their brain sharp, alert and thus, better equipped to handle the woes of traveling. Dehydration can also lead to nausea, headaches and a lack of blood circulation. All of which can feel a lot like motion sickness. Keep your child hydrated throughout the day by packing them an extra water bottle. Tell them to drink up before and after the bus ride.

When all else fails, you might need to bring in some reinforcements to help your child get through the day. Far away field trips or sometimes even daily bus rides to school can cause motion sickness. And for many parents, a non-drowsy solution is the best option for their children. Motioneaze, is not only all-natural and side effect free, but it can also take away the symptoms of motion sickness in as little as three-five minutes. Motioneaze will help calm your child’s upset stomach as they take off on another adventure. Made with all-natural ingredients, this blend of essential oils prevents or works quickly to calm an already upset stomach. Send them off to school with a few drops of Motioneaze behind their ears or talk to your child’s teacher about having an extra bottle on standby just in case of emergencies. Let Motioneaze take the stress out of your child’s field trip